“Welcome To Your 60s” said a sign somewhere on the long haul between here and there. It caught me so off guard, I thought of making an illegal u-turn and heading back the way I came. With my abysmal sense of direction a shaky tour guide, I decided to stay the course. Being hopelessly lost but making good time isn’t as fun as it’s cracked up to be.
Besides, at this advanced stage of the game, a man is bound to have learned a few things – some gracefully, some clumsily, all of value for a work in progress. Here, then, are a collection of thoughts from my first 64 years. They may not always be profound, but I can promise you this: they capture pretty accurately what I’ve gleaned so far from the school of life. (By the way, I hear there’s a test tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow.)
1.) Making each day in your life count is an admirable goal. You get bonus points for making each person in your life count.
2.) Since the effort we put into things is all we can control in life, our efforts themselves represent moments of success in our journey. Celebrate your efforts, regardless of the outcomes.
3.) Life isn’t short – we just waste too much of it. Use your time and energy to love, learn, help and create.
4.) Goals and dreams add meaning to life, but don't overlook the value of moment-to-moment enjoyment. Talking with a friend, taking a walk, enjoying a book or a meal or some music all have their pleasures. And you don't have to wait for "someday" to reap the rewards.
5.) Live with gratitude, compassion and a sense of wonder and you'll earn the biggest rewards no matter what you do or where you go.
6.) The news of the day is often disturbing. But we can all take heart in the presence of good people everywhere who make the world a better place with their intelligence, humor, integrity and compassion.
7.) It's a nice place to get to in life where nothing much dazzles you but you enjoy a quiet appreciation for many things. (I’m there and I do.)
8.) We cannot be a source of strength to others unless we cultivate our own strength. Value yourself. Feed your mind healthy thoughts. Develop your gifts and talents. Nurture your spiritual growth. You are worth it ... and others will benefit from your commitment to get the most out of your life.
9.) If you try too hard to strengthen your weaknesses, you’re likely to weaken your strengths. Embrace who you are and what you’re good at and find the joy in playing that role of a lifetime.
10.) Protect and enhance your supply of spiritual energy. You’ll need it to love yourself, love life, and live fully in the moment.
11.) Love and laughter are the two most positive forces in the universe. If you make them a priority, you will find a way to make the world a better place.
12.) The loved ones we lose always stay part of us. And the love lives on.
13.) The Signs of Human Beings At Their Best: Acts of kindness; Laughter that uplifts; The instinct to help; Doing the right thing when no one's looking; Creating more, consuming less; Choosing love over hate.
14.) About popularity: It’s nice when people like you. Make sure you like you.
15.) A little self-criticism is good. It’s that voice in your head that says “I can do better.”
16.) Learn from all your experiences. Grow from all your experiences. Then nothing is wasted. Nothing is lost.
17.) Don’t make mountains out of molehills. You’ll reduce stress and save energy for the issues and situations that really matter.
18.) It’s nice to be important, but more important to be nice.
19.) We are asleep until we fall in love. With someone. With something. With Life.
20.) Be curious. About people. About places. About things. Live a life fueled by curiosity and you will find yourself on a journey of discovery and growth that will enrich you in unimaginable ways.
21.) Every day you make your partner laugh is a good day.
22.) The best people to hang with are smart, funny and kind. (I’ll accept two out of three as long as one of the traits is kindness.)
23.) Our life is a battle to fill our subconscious with good news instead of bad. Give yourself the good news: You are unique, you are needed, you are loved.
24.) When all is said and done, perhaps the ups and downs of our lives are secondary to being able to say without hesitation: "I really tried. I did my best."
Very nice, Alan. I especially liked this: "If you try too hard to strengthen your weaknesses, you’re likely to weaken your strengths." Well done.